Advance Fee Loan October 24, 2024

Scam Type

Advance Fee Loan Scam

Business Name Used

Loan Solicitation – Phishing Scam

Date Reported

October 24, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

I was texted I am approved for 1000-8000 and Just have to let them know the name of the bank and give my user name and password which I did not do and asked for someone to call me as the phone said they are busy and sent me a text to respond back to. I guess they do not want you to hear the voices on the other end. I chatted with chat twice and the name of the contact on chat is Amy White. Always the same chat person shows up I let her know if your so very busy with the phones they need to hire more people.
I said I need to speak with a live person. I did not see the name of the business on the BBB website for NY but I did not check every page

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