Other July 23, 2024

Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

July 23, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 300

Scam Description

Online work from home scam. They pretended to be ConstantContact work from home division. There were these tasks that you hadto complete in 2 cycles. Once you finish the tasks, you wereeligible to get a bonus, however, the bonus put your account in thenegative and it was your job to put in extra money to levelup to the bonus amount in order to receive the money after you finishedthe task. They would invest small amount back to theparticipant to legitimize their operation and establish trust. Every bonusrequires the participant to put up more money to access abigger paycheck… until you cannot afford it no more… but by then, you’vealready invested an amount with the anticipation you wouldget a bigger payday. I can’t believe I fell for it. They got me for 300.00of my hard-earned dollars. I believed it because I thought iwas dealing with Constant contact and because I wanted a legit work fromhome opportunity to earns some extra money!

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