Employment June 05, 2024

Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

Employment scam

Date Reported

June 05, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 8200

Scam Description

I was looking for a remote job I was checking my instagram account I found a add I contacted on that id name was Monica-j – Osborn I texted her she said yes my company is hiring right now remote job 100 % later she said to me you do Skype I said yes she said my interview will be on Skype I woke up early because as she told they are in New Jersey and I am leaving in California so the time difference is three hours a head it wasn’t on video call interview it was by writing so then they say hire me she asked me because it’s a remote job we hire you as a customer service representative so we will provide you work equipment from us so contact to HR I contacted HR on Skype they said now we are refer u financial department services I said ok that was also on Skype all chat was through the texting way the lady who ever was handling in finance department she said we decided that we will send u 8,200 for the work equipment I said ok she said we will see can we trust you or not when u received this check we will provide you vendor information that money you will send her I said ok so day after tomorrow I got check the lady which she says she is from financial department she texted me on Skype its delivered I was like ok i opened the door the check was right there she said open it and send me pic do it now I opened and took a pic and sent her the check amount was 8,200 then she said deposit through ATM I was like bank is open why atm but she said proceed I said where I need to deposit she said proceed I deposited in my account then she texted send me the pic I am waiting I send her picture in my account my balance was 1,700 was I deposited that check that was 8,200 I took a picture of receipt and. Sent her she said send 1,700$ to the vendor I said why she said we got 1,700 I was thinking what’s going on I came back I told her man 1,700 was my balance your check which I deposited in account according to your instructions is still pending she said ohhh okay i didn’t understand I thought that was check amount I said what do u mean u can clearly see check amount is still pending 1,700 $ that was already my balance in my account she said but I already informed to vendor about 1,700$ u can send her when you get money from the check u can subtract I said ok but my heart says something is wrong this lady is so fast giving me instructions not even giving me proper answers and want me to do fast everything she said vendor is waiting u have to send as soon as possible 1,700 $ go purchase a gift card I told her I will not do that tomorrow your money will be appear I will send to vendor but I will not buy any gift card that’s usually scammers do I will not do that she laughed and said ok tomorrow you will see check money is real next morning I saw money was not anymore pending in my account I found 8,200 $ in my account before I already moved mine 1,700$ in my cashAPP because of her harry I understood she has eye on my own money whole night I was worried I took my decision I will not work with them I will simple return their money back to them next morning I texted Monica-j-Osborn on instagram where it all started I told her I am not interested anymore to work with you guys because the lady which she work in financial department she doesn’t know how to talk and I am so upset because of her behavior Monica she asked me did you get check for work equipment I told her yes she said well I am whatever happened because of the security purpose she might act like that I told her but I don’t like that she said as u already took a decision u don’t want to work with us so u have to return as soon as possible company funds back I told her I am not greedy off course that money belongs to you guys I will return but I will not work with you so she do u use cash app I said yes she sent me two different ladies addresses I sent money on it but that didn’t work she said do u use Zelle I said yes then she sent me address Linda name and other name I sent 1000,1000,1000 that was went through she asked me do again I told her the day limit is ended I can’t she was also giving me hard time next day bank was closed Sunday she said now try again I sent her 500,200 again when I tried 200 more bank stop the transection I told her bank close I can’t help she said when u go to bank just talk them nicely I said her why would I fight when I didn’t do anything wrong because of your hurry nature I was sending your funds back tomorrow is Monday I will tell them the rest you will get all together I went to bank my account is in Wells Fargo she sent me other bank I told her bank to bank only service available so she sent account details the name was Sheila she has a business account in Wells Fargo Monica said do it once the rest all amount 4,500 $ so the total will be fine I told to banker I am not doing anything wrong I got a remote job but the lady is so crazy giving me hard so I decided not to work with her according to her I deposited check 8,200 through ATM actually I am returning her funds back so they were okay I told them the truth I got receipt I sent her as a proof that now no more your funds in my account. I was relaxed because that lady gave me hard time later I moved my own money from cash app to my account I was just checking did I get in my account amount in 1,700$ back so then it say over drawn your account balance is I was like what happened they call to bank now what happened they ask me all matter they say u know what it’s a online scam I told them I don’t know that check was real or fake as far as I know the money was deposited in my account I was just trying to returning them back and I have zero knowledge if the check was declined as u said check take two weeks so that I really don’t know then they say whatever balance was left in your account back also took that and the check money was real I was like I didn’t know so they said u need to report about this I do all proofs of that chat on instagram and Skype and receipts I didn’t do anything wrong please help me

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