Online Purchase December 30, 2023

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

December 30, 2023

Postal Code

V3N 2N5

Total Dollars Lost

$ 42

Scam Description

I saw an Instagram reel for a Black Friday sim de janiero deal and placed an order for a package. I hadn’t recieved the package and reached out to the email given. Someone named Lily sent me a fake tracking number and site that said the package was already delivered. After back and forth and mentioning I hadn’t received the package, Lily said that they had to verify and talk to the delivering company and it would take 3-5 days. They then said it would take an additional 10-15 days to confirm. I demanded my money back again and they said my package was probably stolen and it isn’t on them but they can give me 30% back. As I’ve placed orders online dozens of time and never encountered any stealing issues as well as have motion detection cameras and 100% no package was ever delivered I demanded a full refund but have yet to hear back. So annoying, just want my money back.

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