Online Purchase September 21, 2023

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Luke Gendusi

Date Reported

September 21, 2023

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

Purchased from a Luke Gendusi on Facebook marketplace in September 17 2023. We went back-and-forth texting regarding the product. He told me he would ship it out the same day and would send me proof with a UPS tracking number. He went on in our conversations about being scammed before and only wanted to use Venmo.. because I felt unsure he reassured me that he was legitimate and would be sending the proof of the label. Later on, he texted me the picture of the shipping label with a delivery date of September 19, 2023 after not receiving the package and trying to track it I contacted the UPS store where he purchased the label. The owner informed me the tracking number was not valid and his employee said a young kid came in, Purchased the label and maybe a half hour later came back and wanted a refund. UPS gave him a refund at that time. I have contacted him trying to retrieve my money ($262.00) and he has blocked me on all social media. I contacted Venmo and I am in the process of filing a police report as well. This person is between ages 18 and 20. He is scamming several people on Facebook marketplace that same day he was in the UPS store with my package He had another one for someone going to the Bronx New York and came back and canceled that package as well. I can provide text messages between us. I can provide the UPS tracking label he sent me .
I believe he’s not only scamming people out of property and money, but He’s also using UPS and committing mail fraud. I hope you can help in this matter. Thank you.

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