Online Purchase

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Amazon / imposter

Date Reported

Sep 14, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

Person claiming to be from amazon called to report that a $1000 purchase from New Mexico for a set of earpods was purchase with my card and they wanted to report this to me do they could cancel order if i had not authorized the purchase. They then wanted my bank name and i told them i would not give out that info and can call my bank myself. They kept saying they didn’t need my account just the bank name and i told them no and that i will report them they are scamming me and hung up. I then called my bank and gave them the number and they said that is not any of Amazon numbers they use and it was a scam. They checked my accounts and everything was ok. This place had 2 members with accents and sounded professional so i hope they don’t scam anyone else

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